Solid Winter Covers - Rugged Mesh Cover & Leaf Nets
Super Strong Covers are Built to Last and Last!

Arctic Armor covers are woven strong/long-lasting polyethylene tapes to produce a cover that will hold up to winters worst.
- Available for Above-ground and In-ground pools.
- Constructed of an extremely tight weave fabric that does not allow light to pass through.
- Rip proof metal grommets.
- Ample overlap to ensure proper fit and avoid ripping.
- Black underside to retard algae growth and features heat sealed seams.
- 8, 12 and 15 year warranties available.
Enviromentally Friendly Cover Saves
Time and Money in the Spring! 
Our rugged mesh cover makes spring clean-up a snap. The secret to this unique cover is the tightly woven scrim that holds together insuring that no gaps or holes develop.
- Available for Above-ground and In-ground pools.
- Rugged mesh's fine mesh allows rain and snow to slowly seep through.
- Made from tough U.V. protected woven polyethylene that is strong enough to handle ice, snow, sleet and high winds.
- Ample overlap to ensure proper fit and avoid ripping.
- Black underside to retard algae growth and features heat sealed seams.
- 8 year warranty.
Eliminate the Mess Caused by Decaying
Leaves Each Spring! 
Install an Arctic Armor leaf net over your winter cover this fall and make spring opening quick and easy. The leaf net's tight mesh traps even the smallest leaves before they reach your winter cover.
- Available for Above-ground and In-ground pools.
- Made from durable woven polyethylene.
- Tight mesh traps even the smallest leaves before they reach your winter cover.
- Ample overlap to ensure proper fit and avoid ripping.
- Black mesh fabric.
- 4 year warranty.